Young Adult
(17+ Years)

Sign Authorization to Share Information
Once your teen turns 18, he is an adult in the eyes of the legal and healthcare systems, which means he’ll have to handle his healthcare information. He’ll need to sign an authorization to share information, which enables The Youth Clinic to share healthcare records with parents or other trusted individuals. Colleges require similar forms to share sensitive information about grades, billing, and healthcare centers with parents, as 18-year-olds are protected by privacy laws.
Schedule a Well Care Visit Before College
Collegiate Check-Offs
Get Current
Determine Insurance Coverage
Know Resources
Rely on
Our Symptom Checker is always available for a quick diagnosis when your teen is away.
Our Healthy Bodies for Life Program is here to support you and your family through the journey to healthy eating and living a healthy life. Eating is multi dimensional. Our Registered Dietitians will not only help you understand healthy eating practices, but also address how emotions can impact our food choices. View program.