Baby Safety

September is baby safety week, and a great time to take stock and make sure we are keeping our little ones safe and healthy.

Vaccinations for baby health
Vaccines are the most affordable and effective ways to prevent your child from contracting illnesses. Many illnesses may be life-changing and are easily prevented with vaccinations as recommended by your provider and the AAP. Social media can raise questions about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, however the Youth Clinic unequivocally feels vaccinations are essential and also safe. If you have questions about vaccinations, please talk with your provider and check out this information from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Car safety
Proper use of car seats helps keep children safe. However, there are so many seats on the market, it is easy to get confused by not only the best type for your infant, but also the proper fit. The AAP recommends that all infants ride in rear- facing car seats in their first ride home from the hospital, and for as long as possible until they reach the highest weight or height allowed by their specific car seat manufacturer. As they grow, seats need to be changed or adjusted to ensure best protection for your infant. If you have any questions, contact a certified child passenger safety technician. You can find such a technician at Car Seats Colorado:

Safe sleep
Providing a safe sleep environment for your infant is one of the best protections against sleep related infant deaths (SIDS, unintentional suffocation and strangulation). Babies should be placed on their back whenever sleeping, both at night and for naps. The crib / bassonet baby sleeps in should have a firm, flat surface. Use only a fitted sheet on the mattress, nothing else should be in the sleep space with your baby (blankets, pillows, stuffed animals).

Rid of Asthma Triggers

Asthma may be triggered by allergens & irritants that are common in the home. Learn more.

Asthma Facts

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Learn more.

After-Hours Urgent Care

Have an urgent asthma issue? Visit our pediatric urgent care facility for after-hours care.