Why Healthy Students Are Better Learners and Simple Nutrition Tips For Busy Families

According to the CDC, healthy students are better learners!

This implies that proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep aren’t just vital for their physical well-being but also for their intellectual development. However, ensuring balanced nutrition amidst our bustling lives and constant celebrations can be a challenge.

In this blog post, we delve into why healthier students are better learners and offer simple, practical nutrition tips for busy families.

Reasons Why Healthier Students Perform Better in School:

  • Increased Attendance: Healthy students miss fewer school days. According to a report by the CDC, students with poor health have a 1.5 times higher absenteeism rate than healthier students.
  • Improved Concentration: Children with balanced diets have better concentration and cognitive function. The Journal of School Health reports that students who consume fruits, vegetables, and proteins demonstrate improved academic performance.
  • Enhanced Class Participation: Regular physical activity promotes cognitive ability and behavior, leading to increased participation and better behavior in class.
  • Reduced Stress: Regular exercise and a balanced diet help manage stress levels, leading to improved mental health.
  • Better Sleep: Adequate sleep is crucial for cognitive functioning. The National Sleep Foundation reveals that children who get the recommended amount of sleep show improved learning, attention, and creativity.

Therefore, promoting healthy habits like proper nutrition, regular physical activity, and adequate sleep are not distractions but strategic investments in your child’s educational journey. Doing well in school serves as a significant indicator of a child’s well-being and plays a crucial role in determining future health outcomes.

little girls at school eating a healthy lunch

Nutrition Tips for Busy Families

At The Youth Clinic, we understand the challenges parents face when attempting to maintain a balanced diet in the midst of hectic schedules and never-ending celebrations.

Here are some strategies that can help instill a healthier approach to food in your household:

  • Introduce Healthy Substitutes: Gradually introduce healthier food options in your home. Include fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in daily meals. While not eliminating treats, emphasize that they are occasional foods, not daily essentials.
  • Involve Kids in Meal Planning and Preparation: Engage your children in planning and preparing meals. This involvement can educate them about various food groups and their nutritional benefits, fostering a better understanding of balanced diets.
  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate healthy eating habits yourself. Children often mimic their parents’ behavior, so showing them your healthy habits can be more impactful than merely instructing them.
  • Mindful Eating: Encourage the practice of mindful eating. Teach them to savor their food, chew slowly, and appreciate each bite. This approach can help to avoid overeating, even during festive events.
  • Physical Activities: Encourage regular physical activity. Whether it’s sports, cycling, walking, or any form of exercise, active lifestyles often lead to healthier food choices.
  • Talk about Nutrition, Not Weight: Frame discussions around the health benefits of foods, rather than their impact on weight or size. This can foster a positive relationship with food and avoid instilling fears or insecurities around eating.

Implementing these strategies can be challenging, but with consistent efforts and positive reinforcement, you can promote healthier eating habits within your family, even amidst busy schedules. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection.

Get Help From Your Community

Community leaders, parents, and healthcare providers can collaborate to enhance child health and wellness. Prioritize your child’s health today to ensure their academic and life success.

Our Registered Dietitians are available for one-on-one consultations. They will not only help you understand healthy eating practices but also address how emotions can impact our food choices. They can help you identify and problem-solve any obstacles that may prevent your family from making healthy choices and your child from achieving a healthy weight.

For more information about Healthy Bodies for Life, contact us at (970) 494-2594.

Visit our Nutrition page for more nutrition information.

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