Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways.
- 1 in 10 children have asthma
- 57% of children are prone to asthma attacks
- 80 – 90 % of children with asthma have allergies that trigger it.
Can occur daily, weekly or infrequently and include:
- A cough, wheeze, chest tightness/pressure/pain, shortness of breath, interrupted sleep.
Allergies can be seasonal or environmental and can cause:
- Sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes, skin rash
- Asthma may worsen with changes in seasons or exposure to triggers which can include:
- Allergens – dust, mold, pollen, pet dander
- Cigarette smoke, perfumes, cleaning products
- Respiratory infections, cold, influenza
- Exercise
- Extreme changes in temperature
How to manage your triggers and maintain good control of your asthma
- Make sure to use your spacer with each inhaler
- Start allergy medication before allergies flare (Zyrtec, Claritin)
- Take your controller medications as directed
- Use nasal rinses regularly
- Make sure all asthma medications are current and not expired
- Follow your personalized Asthma Action Plan