June Is National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month

It’s warming up outside and if you’re like many people in Northern Colorado, you’re taking advantage of our spectacular climate and get active outdoors. It’s also a great chance to enjoy a cornucopia of fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables as part of National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month.

With more than 23 major fruits and veggies available fresh in the supermarket, according to the Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture, June’s produce section offers more options than any other month. That means it’s easier than ever to pack a healthy snack for your family’s weekend hike or try a new side dish at your next backyard barbecue.

June’s a great time to help shake up picky eaters’ habits and expose them to new fruits. Take your child shopping, and turn them loose in the produce section, allowing them to choose their produce. With the amount of in-season veggies and fruits, you’re almost guaranteed to find a snack that your child hasn’t tried, and giving him or her the option to select a snack can increase interest in trying new, healthy options.

There’s no reason to be intimidated by the idea of bringing healthier options into your family’s menus this month. The USDA’s Tricks of the Trade: Preparing Fruits and Vegetables provides a comprehensive guide on how to enjoy salad bars, make your own salads and spice up familiar favorites like hamburgers and baked potatoes with any of June’s bounty.

Rid of Asthma Triggers

Asthma may be triggered by allergens & irritants that are common in the home. Learn more.

Asthma Facts

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Learn more.

After-Hours Urgent Care

Have an urgent asthma issue? Visit our pediatric urgent care facility for after-hours care.