Fun Family Fitness

A family of four jogging on a path and smiling

Spring is here and we are challenging families to get out and get active together. Here are some fun family fitness ideas for your family to try this spring!

Make walking a regular activity

The weather is starting to warm up and the sun is staying out longer, so before you settle in for the evening, get the whole family together for a walk. A quick 30 minutes of walking before dinner is an easy way to kickstart your family’s fitness routine. Walk around the neighborhood, to the park, or walk your kids home from school!

Turn yard work into a sport

Springtime means planting bulbs, prepping gardens, and yard work. Turn it into a game for your family. Challenge each other to different races by splitting into teams to see who can pull the most weeds or plant the most plants in a set period of time. You can even turn the yard into an obstacle course to do between each activity.

Add biking to your day

Another easy way to kick off your family’s fitness is to add biking to your day. Make it more fun by tracking how far you bike each week and set goals to try to bike further. Distance can easily be tracked with fitness watches and mobile devices. If your family is big enough, split everyone into teams and see which team can bike the most in a week. Mix up the teams each week to make it more interesting!

Build activity into your days

Get the whole family to build activity into their days. This can mean taking the stairs when possible or walking around the store once or twice before doing your actual shopping. Choose one thing and hold everyone to it. A simple way to get started is to have the whole family do five minutes of stretching together first thing in the morning. Set aside one day per week to get out and play a sport, like soccer, together as a family. You can even set a long term goal like running a 5K and have the whole family train together.

Use these fun family fitness ideas this spring to become a more active family!

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Asthma Facts

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Learn more.

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