Join Us and Support World Down Syndrome Awareness Day!


Did You Know?Screen Shot 2016-02-09 at 10.04.58 AM

Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal disorder (one out of 691 live births). Mosaic Down syndrome and translocation Down syndrome are rare forms of the syndrome. People with any form of the syndrome have a wide range of talents and abilities.

The Youth Clinic is proud to support World Down Syndrome Awareness Day through our Genes Day fundraising events and we hope you’ll join us.


Support Our TeamScreen Shot 2016-02-09 at 10.05.13 AM

Leading the Genes Day celebrations is Team Alyssa. You can support our team by donating, by joining us for one of these upcoming events, or by wearing jeans and sporting a Genes Day ribbon on March 21. For more information about Genes Day and getting involved with our effort, please contact Roxanne Batezel at 970-980-7486 or