Tips and Tricks For Taking a Road Trip with Kids

Family vacations are a blast, but the travel itself, if not correctly prepared for, can turn into the opposite! With summertime quickly approaching, we want to be sure you have everything you need in order for a stress-free and fun road trip vacation from start to finish.

We recommend being prepared in these categories:



Consider pre-packing snacks such as trail mix, granola bars, string cheese, dry cereal, pre-cut fruit, and vegetables in Ziploc bags and reusable containers. To avoid fast food options for regular meals, prepare sandwiches ahead of time! Keep a cooler in the backseat with the kids so they can grab what they need without distracting your driving.



Keeping the kids entertained is essential on a road trip. Put a basket in the back seat where they can store books, coloring books, and a few toys. Road trip games such as I Spy are often a big hit. Create a travel journal where they can write/draw about what they have seen. Audiobooks are also a great idea and can help hours pass happily.



If you’re taking a long trip, odds are your kids will want to take a nap. If you have little ones that take 1-2 naps during the day, a window car shade is great for keeping the sun out of their face. Make sure they have their favorite blankets and pillows! Take regular stops so the kids can get out to walk or run out any built up energy.



The backseat is bound to get a little messy. Wet wipes, paper towels, tissues, and garbage bags will serve as a big help to you! Spill-proof sippy cups and water bottles can also prevent accidents from happening.



Send us an email with your Road Trip Tips and Tricks so we can share them with other parents! We would love to hear what helps you and keeps the kids happy!

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