The Youth Clinic COVID-19 Information


Doctor appointments are considered essential services and the Youth Clinic is here for your family’s healthcare needs. If you have an appointment scheduled we will be here ready to see your family and continuing to work diligently to provide a safe place for children to receive health care by taking precautionary measures to ensure that all patients and staff remain safe and healthy.

We believe it is now even more important than ever to provide great ongoing well-child care and immunizations for the children of our community. We are reminding parents that we are available to provide the treatment needed for such urgent care instances and will also continue to provide well-child care and immunizations for patients at three select locations (Oak Park Drive, East Elizabeth, and MCR) during the Coronavirus outbreak. 


The Pfizer COVID vaccine has now been approved for children ages 5 to 11.  The Youth Clinic will be hosting COVID Vaccine Clinics for both Youth Clinic and Community patients.  To schedule a vaccine appointment click here. 

To stay up to date about vaccine distribution in Colorado at and the Larimer County Health Department .

We understand that you may have questions about receiving the COVID vaccination. For accurate information about the vaccine please visit CDC FAQ page by clicking this link.

To read more about how mRNA vaccines work click here. 


Pediatric Urgent Care of Northern Colorado has 3 different ways to test for COVID-19, and all are above 95% accurate.

Binax antigen:

This test is a 15-minute rapid test—only used on symptomatic patients and it is a swab in the nares (very non-invasive).

Sensitivity: 97.1%

Accuracy:  98.5%


IDNow molecular:

This test is a 12-15 minute rapid test—used on asymptomatic and symptomatic patients and it is a swab in the nares.

Sensitivity:  95%

Accuracy: 97.9%


Biofire RVP with Covid:

This is a 65 minute in house test- also known as a Respiratory Viral Panel.  It tests several viral illnesses including COVID.  It is collected in the intranasal cavity (brain tickler).  This test can be used for symptomatic patients and asymptomatic patients.  It is also used as a follow-up test to a patient who has tested negative with one of the other tests and still has a “high probability” of having COVID.

Sensitivity: 98%

Accuracy: 100%

Testing does require an appointment at either Youth Clinic or Pediatric Urgent Care. You can schedule an appointment at The Youth Clinic by calling 970.482.2515.



  • Families will be limited to one adult/parent to accompany a patient.
  • Families will be asked to wait in their cars upon arrival to the clinic.
  • Families will have several options upon arrival to let the office know they have arrived including an office-specific direct number which will be posted on the front window/door at each location as well as a new text message chat option available through Phreesia.
  • Infants and children under 3 do not have to wear a mask, everyone else will need to have a mask on when entering the building.
  • Families will be contacted by Nursing staff and given instructions on entering the building for an appointment.
  • All Families will have their temperature taken upon entering our buildings.
  • If a high temperature is detected, families will be asked to reschedule their appts.
  • Please also note that the Timnath office will no longer serve as a drop-off and pickup location at this time. All forms and prescriptions should be requested for pickup at one of our other three office locations.




As of March 8, Children’s Hospital Colorado is offering the COVID-19 vaccine to qualifying patients. For Phase 1B.3 of Colorado’s COVID-19 vaccination plan, Children’s Colorado has been contacting and vaccinating eligible patients ages 16 and older who have two or more high-risk conditions as defined by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Patients 16 and older with one high-risk condition will be eligible in Phase 1B.4 beginning March 19.

Read more from Children’s Hospital Colorado here.



Keeping Kids Healthy During COVID-19 in Colorado

Positive Covid Test Isolation Instructions

How to Return to School and Activities After Illness

For the full list of COVID-19 related articles, please click here.

Rid of Asthma Triggers

Asthma may be triggered by allergens & irritants that are common in the home. Learn more.

Asthma Facts

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Learn more.

After-Hours Urgent Care

Have an urgent asthma issue? Visit our pediatric urgent care facility for after-hours care.