Holiday Office Closures

We are CLOSED 12/24, 12/25, 12/31, and 1/1/25

In addition to the above closures these office will be closed:

  • 1200 E Elizabeth (North) office: CLOSED 12/23 – 12/27
  • 2500 Rocky Mountain Ave., Ste #260 (MCR): CLOSED 12/23 – 1/3/25

If you need care when The Youth Clinic is closed, Pediatric Urgent Care of Northern Colorado is OPEN 10AM-4PM on all holidays!

What is Engorgement?

Engorgement is when your breasts begin making larger volumes of milk on days 3-5 of your baby’s life, causing your breasts to feel fuller, warm, and sometimes tender. Engorgement generally lasts between 12-48 hours as your body adjusts in how much milk to make for your baby.  Your breasts may also leak and/or have lumps that develop in the breasts and armpits. This is caused both by the increase in milk and the extra blood and lymph fluid traveling to the area. Engorgement in the first several days is a normal part of the breastfeeding journey. Unrelieved engorgement is not.


Signs of Engorgement

  • Breasts swell and the areola feels hard and tight like your chin instead of soft and elastic like your earlobe.
  • Breast tenderness may occur with throbbing pain as well as a low-grade fever of 100 degrees or less.
  • It may lead to flattened nipples which make it difficult for your baby to latch.

Preventing Engorgement

  • Breastfeed baby early and often (at least every 2-3 hours from the start of one feeding to the start of the next feeding), or 8 – 12 times in 24 hours
  • Breastfeed on the first side until your baby no longer wants to nurse, then offer the second side (start next feeding on this second side )
  • If the second side is still uncomfortable after baby latches and feeds, it is ok to pump or hand express milk for 2-3 minutes to relieve discomfort
  • Ensure correct latch and positioning. Listen for your baby swallowing to ensure they are moving the milk

Helping Baby Latch through Engorgement

  • Express some milk first before latching baby, using either by hand expression or pumping (do not pump longer than 5 minutes)
  • Apply moist heat before feedings to soften the breasts and encourage let-down
  • Do some gentle breast massage before feeding, using circular motions with your fingertips around your breast
  • Stand in the shower and let warm water run over your breasts
  • Apply ice after feedings to help with swelling and any discomfort
  • Take a non-Aspirin pain reliever such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol to help with discomfort and swelling

Treating Unrelieved or Significant Engorgement

When to Contact Your Healthcare Provider

  • Baby is not able to latch or not making enough wet/dirty diapers
  • Symptoms of mastitis such as breasts that are hard with red streaks, fever over 100.6, chills, body aches, and/or headache
  • Pain in breasts that are not getting better

Rid of Asthma Triggers

Asthma may be triggered by allergens & irritants that are common in the home. Learn more.

Asthma Facts

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. Learn more.

After-Hours Urgent Care

Have an urgent asthma issue? Visit our pediatric urgent care facility for after-hours care.