25 Healthy & Tasty Treat Ideas

This time of year, costume planning and treat buying are typically at the forefront, but this year looks a little bit different! Just because Halloween won’t be filled with trick-or-treaters doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy yummy and healthy treats with your family. There are plenty of options besides candy that we encourage you to try. Here are some of our favorite healthy and fun treats that would be perfect to enjoy this season!

  1. Fruit Leather
  2. Applesauce Pouches
  3. Cuties
  4. Honey Sticks
  5. Mini Raisin Boxes
  6. Mini Popcorn Packs
  7. Mini Granola Bars
  8. Freeze Dried Apple Packs
  9. Trail Mix Individual Packs
  10. Banana Chips
  11. Annie’s Whole Wheat Bunnies
  12. Mini LaraBars
  13. String Cheese with ghost faces drawn on
  14. Smart Cracker packs
  15. Clif Kid Z Bars
  16. Mini water bottles
  17. Sugar-free gum (with xylitol)
  18. Mini baby carrot bags
  19. Mini fruit cups in natural juices
  20. Snack-size pretzel packs
  21. Mini Craisin Boxes
  22. Whole fruit (small apples or oranges)
  23. Annie’s Fruit Snacks
  24. Roasted Chickpea Snack Packs
  25. To-go Sunflower Seed Packs

We challenge you to make the swap this year to healthier options like the ones listed here!

For more Halloween tips, read our blog about Safe Halloween Costumes for Kids!


Source: Super Healthy Kids

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