Newborn & Infant

(Up to 12 Months)

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Congratulations on your newborn!

We understand that knowing all the right steps on how to care for your newborn baby can be overwhelming, but rest assured our team of expert pediatricians is here to help. Find out everything needed to keep your newborn healthy with the below articles, available programs and classes and well care information. If you are currently pregnant, check out our Prenatal resources.


Well Care Preparation by Age

1-3 Days

Healthy Measures Appointment: This appointment is scheduled with our Healthy Measures Team (certified lactation consultants) 1 – 3 days after discharge from the hospital. We will weigh your baby and answer any questions regarding breast or bottle feeding and baby care.

Newborn Physical

(6-10 days after birth)

At this appointment, the pediatrician/pediatric physician assistant and nurses will carry out various routine steps that will become routine as you bring your baby in for future well-child check-ups. They will measure their height, weight, and head circumference, conduct a physical examination, and address any questions you may have about caring for your baby. 


  • All necessary paperwork for your appointment will be sent through our patient portal or completed in the office.

1 Month


  • Postpartum Questionnaire: All necessary paperwork for your appointment will be sent through our patient portal or completed in the office.

2 Month


  • Pediarix (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Hep B)
  • Prevnar (Streptococcus Pneumoniae)
  • Pedvax Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
  • Rotarix (Rotavirus)
  • Click Here for Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)


4 Month


  • Pediarix (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Hep B)
  • Prevnar (Streptococcus Pneumoniae)
  • Pedvax Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B)
  • Rotarix (Rotavirus)
  • Click Here for Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)


6 Month


  • Pediarix (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Hep B)
  • Prevnar (Streptococcus Pneumoniae)
  • Seasonal Influenza when available
  • Click Here for Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)


9 Month


  • None needed unless on alternative or make-up schedule
  • Seasonal Influenza when available
  • Click Here for Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)


12 Month


  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
  • Prevnar (Streptococcus Pneumoniae)
  • Pedvax Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type B)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Seasonal Influenza when available
  • Click Here for Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)


Lab Work

  • Hemoglobin
  • Lead Screening

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Healthy Families Program

Our Healthy Family Program at the Youth Clinic was designed to help families who may be experiencing postpartum depression. Our goal is to help you access support within the community (health care providers, mental health care providers, support groups, etc.), as well as to provide one on one support for you as you care for your baby. View program.

Healthy Measures Program

Healthy Measures makes sure that you and your newborn get off to a healthy start. Our team will weigh your baby and answer any questions you may have on what to expect for the first few weeks of your baby’s life. If you are breastfeeding, our specialty-trained lactation consultants will support you through the breastfeeding journey. View program.



View our Event Calendar to Register Upcoming Classes

Returning to Work and Breastfeeding

If you will be returning to work and are nursing your baby, then this is the right class for you! We want to provide mothers with the knowledge and tools to continue breastfeeding if they need to be away from their baby.

Feeding Your 6-12 Month Old

At about 6 months of age, your baby will be ready to start eating solid foods. This class will help you know what foods are best to introduce first, how to know when to move on to different types of foods, what foods to avoid, and how to help your child become an independent eater and share in the family table.

Baby Bistro

Our lactation and feeding support group provides mothers with tips and advice in a relaxing environment.